Something Positive: January So Far

One of the things I wanted to do this year was record the good things that happen, rather than just the bad ones. That way I hope to have a list of good experiences I can look back at and know that things aren't as horrible as they sometimes seem.

The past couple of weeks have been quite rough; January isn't the kindest month and with work, study and everything else it's felt like the mountain path has all but disappeared recently, leaving me with just sheer cliff face to navigate (and no crampons). Nonetheless there have been a few good things going on too. I got to spend the book tokens I got for Yule and that meant picking up seven brilliant books, which I'm really looking forward to reading. I ordered a copy of the Sea Watch by Adrian Tchaikovsky - it seems to be the red headed stepchild of his series, Waterstones had pretty much every other book by him, but Sea Watch has been conspicuous by its absence. The seller told me it would take six weeks to come in, but it only took two! So hats off to them for getting it in so fast.

Also, the guy on the cover looks a little like the author... which is brilliant.

Also book related, I keep finding science fiction and fantasy geeks at work, which is great! One of the very few people who have read Fatal Thirst fed back to me, and really enjoyed it so I'm doing something right (phew) and I grabbed the first of a Brandon Sanderson series on the recommendation of another. I got a piece written for a competition and got some good feedback on that too. And to cap it all I've started making moves to find the 'what I do after the MA' by looking at the Creative Choices site and talking to the careers officer for the faculty I'm studying with at Uni.

I submitted my coursework on the 8th of January and my tutor seems confident I'll pass. I'm not, as I struggled with the module a fair amount, but on the plus side a lot of the reading will be beneficial for my final project because that ties into the world of myth and legend too, so I hope I've stolen a bit of a march there.

The third good thing is finding out that a lot of the RPGs I had marked to get rid of because there wasn't a chance of playing them I can now keep, because I'm between groups and all the things I like are suddenly open again. It's a weird feeling but a positive one and I've rescued quite a lot of stuff from the pile that's destined for eBay.

Oh and I've been really enjoying Skyrim (even if I'm playing it too much).

Right, I must go and write. My novel won't create itself.


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