Five Poems

Something of a cheat, while I work on something a bit bigger and pondery, I wanted to post some of my favourite poems, because I'm thinking about poetry a lot at the moment.

Catherine Smith: Heckmondwycke

Catherine came to do a Master Class at the course I did and this poem struck me as sweet and funny and so very earthy.

Kirstin Heibel-Steitz: Sublime

A friend, who is a poet, a damn good poet. This poem makes me feel the winter days and appreciate them all the more.

Philip Larkin: This be the Verse

This has been stuck in my head for a few years, I like the gently humourous fashion Larkin's reading of it here brings it to the fore.

William Blake: The Tyger

A beautiful poem that speaks of such majesty.

Dylan Thomas: Do Not Go Gentle into That Goodnight

Lastly I love the defiance in this, the clinging on reluctant to go into the dark and dissolution.


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